Board Spotlight: Thad

Photo of Thad Barnes

Name: Thad Barnes
Title: Treasurer

How long have you been on the board?
2020 newby.

What do you love most about FAST?
We have an eclectic group of people joining together for one common goal, to continue to provide a premier single track trail experience to our local community of mountain bikers, runners and hikers.

What is your favorite park to ride in Sioux Falls?
Tuthill Park.

Where is the coolest place you've ever ridden outside of Sioux Falls?
Spearfish, SD (Dakota Five-O Trail). 

What do you want FAST members to know about you? 
I’m Competitive. I jump in with both feet to things I am passionate about. Love most all kinds of music. Enjoy meeting new mountain bikers, always looking to learn more about the sport.

If you could only drink one kind of beer for the rest of your life, what would it be?  
Amstel Light. (Sorry Pale Ale’rs)

What is your favorite piece of riding equipment?
Handlebar mounted Garmin and seat dropper post

Flats or clipless?
Always clipless.

What is the best tip for someone that wants to start riding a mountain bike?
Being relatively new to the sport (4 years), technique over speed to start. As you get more serious about riding single track, if possible, find a riding mentor who is willing to take the time to show you how to execute some basic and more advanced skills. Start basic with your bike. You can gradually add to your equipment quality. The more you ride, the quicker you’ll realize the next advancements you may want to make to your gear/ equipment over time.


Board Spotlight: Tuesday


Board Spotlight: Cole