Trail Maintenance

How do I become a volunteer?


Sign-up to become a FAST member.
This will allow us to have your most up-to-date contact information in case we need to get in contact with you.


Follow FAST on social media.
Our social media accounts will be the most reliable source to follow for getting information related to volunteer opportunities.


Check our website often.
In addition to social media, the FAST website will be a great resource for you to stay up to date on all events, news and volunteer opportunities.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Check the FAST website often, as well as our social media accounts. Those media forms are updated the most often and are used to alert our members of upcoming opportunities where volunteer help will be needed.

  • FAST will provide all the tools necessary for a trail maintenance session.

  • Trail building and maintenance sessions vary with the task at hand but are generally 2-3 hours.

  • Depending on your duty, consideration should be made about wearing pants vs. shorts, long sleeves vs. short sleeves. Definitely always wear the appropriate gloves, footwear and eye protection. Bring water to stay hydrated.

  • Watch for posts and emails regarding timing, meeting location and work to be performed. A FAST board member or trail boss will instruct you on your duty for the session.

  • If you can move a branch or fill a hole yourself, by all means! We are trail advocates every time we are on the trail. But if the situation requires more than you can handle alone, get in touch with FAST. NEVER cut down logs or create your own re-routes. Always contact FAST. Unauthorized trail building without FAST approval is prohibited.