State Of The Dirt: Spring 2020


It’s exciting to report that dirt trails in town have dried out and the singletrack season has begun. As of right now, there aren’t any restrictions to walking/running/riding outside other than the CDC guidelines of maintaining the 6’ buffer between yourself and other trail users. Please watch for changes from the State of South Dakota and the City of Sioux Falls. PLEASE give other trail users the space and respect they deserve.

A few trail updates:

Tuthill Park and Leaders Park: There is some lite cleanup work to be done at Tuthill and Leaders. These clean up sessions will likely be just board member sessions for now as there will be no organized sessions (until further notice). We'll be working to finish things up at Tuthill this year, a few of those items may include additional trail, signage and bridge upgrades. We will also be adding some trail at Leaders Park. 

Photo of Tuthill Trail Map

Yankton Trail: The goal for now is to maintain a ridable corridor without investing a large amount of volunteer hours.

Other FAST news updates: Back in February we had a great meeting at the city planning office with the Parks & Recreation staff. During that meeting we were able to identify several possible trail project properties. We’re working on a detailed plan of how to reach our 25 by 25 goal.

FAST would like to thank all supporters and members for continuing to help this organization grow. That support has FAST well positioned for the future.


State Of The Dirt: Fall 2020
